Professional HR Translation Services

Professional HR Translation raises the bar of any multilingual business.

Professional Human Resources Translation Services

Montreal • Québec • Boston • New York • Chicago • San Francisco • London • Paris • Berlin • Barcelona • Istanbul

Human Resources (HR) departments are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including hiring, training, and managing employees. In a globalized world, HR departments must also be prepared to work with employees and candidates who speak different languages. This is where translation services come in.


Translation services for HR can help bridge communication gaps and ensure that all employees and candidates are treated fairly and equally. It can protect the corporate entity all the while increasing employee engagement and fidelity by properly communicating policies and notices in their languages.

Recruiting and Hiring

When recruiting new employees, HR departments may need to review resumes, cover letters, and other application materials that are written in languages other than their own. Translation services can help ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly and accurately, regardless of the language they use to apply.


During interviews, interpretation services can facilitate communication between HR personnel and candidates who speak different languages. This can help ensure that all candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications and skills, rather than their ability to speak a certain language.

Employee Training

Employee training is critical to ensuring that all employees are able to perform their jobs effectively and safely. Translation services can help ensure that training materials, including manuals, presentations, and videos, are accessible to all employees, regardless of their language.


This is irrespective of the medium in which they are distributed. Have E-Learning courseware for your employees? Not a problem, we’ve got that covered as well.

Performance Management

HR departments are responsible for evaluating employee performance and providing feedback. Translation services can help ensure that this feedback is communicated clearly and effectively to all employees, regardless of their language.

Employee Communications

HR departments must communicate with employees on a regular basis, whether it’s to provide updates on company policies, inform employees about new benefits, or address concerns and complaints. Translation services can help ensure that these communications are properly understood by all employees anywhere in the world.

Legal Compliance

HR departments must comply with a wide range of legal regulations, including those related to labor laws, discrimination, and harassment. Translation services can help ensure that all policies and procedures are translated accurately and consistently across all languages, reducing the risk of legal issues related to language barriers.